Buenas tardes amigos quisiera que me pudieran ayudar con este tema del OAI me aparece vació y esta activado el OAI con plugins que se activan espero me puedan ayudar
There was a similar question here:
Do you have SQL access to your database? If so, can you answer the same questions asked there to help us debug? Especially:
Could you maybe investigate the values in the DB from that SQL statement, e.g.: What is the value of the journal setting_name = ‘publishingMode’ in the DB table journal_settings? What is the status value of those articles that are not listed, e.g. article with the id = 216? To double check: you have changed the X at the end with the real journal ID, right?
amigos me pueden ayudar con esto Dialnet me indica que le sale ese error pero el OAI ya lo habilite como me indicaron
If I access your OAI endpoint now, I see a paged set of results. The first page provides a resumption token to continue with the next page. The second page provides an empty resumption token, indicating the end of the results. This matches the described behavior of the resumption token here:
Can you describe the concern of Dialnet in more detail?