I’m setting up an OJS site for a friend, and have recently installed the GROBID plugin. Originally he requested the OJS markup plugin, with the desire to view journals in HTML instead of PDF. My questions are, does GROBID offer this functionality? Several posts recommend it is a replacement to OJS markup.
Secondly, do I need to setup GROBID as a service alongside the plugin? The GROBID plugin settings dialog asks for a host URL, which indicates this is true. If so, is there any advice on setting this up? The GROBID documentation has no mention of OJS setup or support.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
Hi Dom,
Grobid is intended to replace most of the functionality of the now-deprecated OTS stack, providing a conversion from PDF documents to XML which can be viewed in a browser but may need some annotation corrections (for which the Texture editor can be used within OJS, though it requires another under-development plugin).
Grobid is independent of OJS – the integration works in the other direction – and you will want a Grobid service to point at. You can install it on the same server by following the Grobid documentation: Install GROBID - GROBID Documentation, though you may want to run it elsewhere depending on your environment.