Continuing the discussion from Google Scholar: display of citation incomplete:
I am currently using an OJS system version:
For the last couple of days, some of our article citations have not been picked up by google scholars.
It may be because the citation generated by OJS in our journal has the wrong format as you can see in the picture.
You can also see it here through the following link and the title you put in google scholar is not shown there:
Please adise me if you know about this problem.
Hi @shakirsoc,
When did you publish the article? It can sometimes take weeks or months for Google Scholar to start showing the article.
PKP Team
It was published on 17 october, 2023 but other papers when i published before those were immediately picked up after 2-3 days, but this paper is not picked up by google scholar until now.
[quote=“shakirsoc, post:4, topic:82616, full:true”]
@rcgillis It was published on 17 october, 2023 but other papers when i published before those were immediately picked up after 2-3 days, but this paper is not picked up by google scholar until now.