Google Scholar citation metrics

I would to add article citation metrics from Google scholar to our OJS 3.3.0-14 website, I have been trying adding widgets like:

  1. Dimensions widget (works only for articles with DOI and citations from articles with DOI)

  2. Plumx widget (works only for citations from articles indexed in Scopus)

  3. Altmetric widget (doesn’t work, always shows an interrogation mark)

  4. Scopus/Crossref module (almost always shows 0 citation, plumx works better)

Google scholar citations are so important to measure article visibility, but so far I have not been able to show correct GS citation in OJS articles.

¿Has anyone been able to add citation metrics in google scholar?

Best Regards


It is not allowed according to Google’s Terms and Conditions.

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Thanks @mpbraendle. Do you have a link showing that according Google’s Terms and Conditions it is not allowed to show Google Scholar citation metrics?


It’s in the general terms by Google: under which also Google Scholar falls as service (see their list of services). Google content is copyrighted - you can use it, but I’m pretty sure that this means personal use (as covered by the copyright law).
This is why we don’t include citation counts in our repository (just a link to Google Scholar).
You can include e.g. Scopus or Web of Science citation counts in the case your library has a license with Elsevier or Clarivate, which allows to access their APIs.

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