Application Version - e.g., OJS
Our OJS google recaptcha service is not working for the last 2 months, so we disable it, but now the e mail services is also not working. we tried every step available on this forum and get hub.
These are the configuration settings of Google recaptcha:
; Captcha Settings ;
; Whether or not to enable ReCaptcha
recaptcha = on
Thank you israel.cefren for your kind reply,
We haven’t changed our domain since day first, the google recaptcha secret and public keys are correct, i just checked the error logs and its volume is 1.5 Gig, i cleared them all and was amazed to see that it generates about 20 errors per minutes some of them are repeating again and again like:
PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/jmedscic/public_html/plugins/generic/citationStyleLanguage/lib/vendor/seboettg/citeproc-php/src/Seboettg/CiteProc/Util/NumberHelper.php on line 115
I don’t know how to handle these huge amount of errors.
regarding the google recaptcha we are using the v2 check box with site key and secret key