Making translations - Danish - I’m used to work in my OJS program where I go to Settings > Website > Plugins > Translator plugin. Working with the Github is rather challenging for me. Where do I find all the files, and how do I search for a specific file content, for example plugins.block.makeSubmission.linkLabel
Niels Erik
I usually just go to Public Knowledge Project · GitHub and do a search in github within the organization. https://github.com/search?q=org%3Apkp+plugins.block.makeSubmission.linkLabel&type=Code
How do you get that search result? When I try I get the message: “This organization doesn’t have any repositories that match”
See the top of your screeshot with the text “This organisation” Search
Sorry, but it doesn’t help. This time I’m told:
We couldn’t find any repositories matching ‘plugins.block.makeSubmission.linkLabel’
Yes, and above that text you will see other results like “Code 12”, if you click that you will get 12 results from code and the same view as this: https://github.com/search?q=org%3Apkp+plugins.block.makeSubmission.linkLabel&type=Code
Thank you so much. Now I get it.