Funding organisation name and ID found, but “Only financiers from Crossref registry are allowed” appears and funder cannot be added.
OJS and 3.3.0 13
Funding organisation name and ID found, but “Only financiers from Crossref registry are allowed” appears and funder cannot be added.
OJS and 3.3.0 13
yes, we faced the same problem on OJS 3.3.
Not only funders from crossref registry are allowed but actually no record can be added this way to submission. Literally, not any organisation is no longer valid according to plugin.
Maybe this topics from plugin github issues is something to do with this case?
@ajnyga ?
Maybe, but that’s not a solution. I just want it to work like it has until now, until about 10 days ago everything was OK!
so when we try to add from auto fill or with link we cannot add the funder and it gives the same error as you mentioned : ONLY FUNDERS FROM THE CROSSREF REGISTRY ARE ALLOWED. i tried other random names also and whatever I picked gave the same issue that it is not in crossref registry.
Moreover we tried new way of adding the funder like add in with this one was accepted however when we add it like this way then funder name has this : but funder id is missing. is this new error ?
checkout when we add this way the ID is missing-
@ajnyga ??
OJS version - Plugin version : v2.1.4.2
Moreover when I see previous articles. i see that they have name plus funder id like this - . don’t know what went wrong in past days.
@dekanski @deepakc @open2source @ajnyga
Crossref has changed two things:
the now returns{funderdoi} instead of{funderdoi}
the search function has moved from to (and there seems to be no descendants parameter anymore)
@ajnyga I have added fixes to templates/editFunderForm.tpl (for OJS 3.4) and will post a PR tomorrow.
Many thanks for your quick action!
Pull request opened: Fix for Crossref DOI / API change by mpbraendle · Pull Request #55 · ajnyga/funding · GitHub
It’s even more complicated - this now must also be done via the Crossref REST API. PR comes soon.
@mpbraendle Great! Thanks!
Just confirming pull #55 does not correct the issue?
It corrects it. For OJS 3.4. Is already in production on our servers. Will probably also be backported to OJS 3.3.
This reply Funding data plugin - #8 by mpbraendle was posted earlier, but had to approved, why it came after Funding data plugin - #7 by mpbraendle .
On two versions and the problem was solved with Fix for Crossref Funder DOI / API change by mpbraendle · Pull Request #55 · ajnyga/funding · GitHub
Be careful when editing templates/editFunderForm.tpl
@jomjaime Also, after you have edited templates/editFunderForm.tpl, make sure to delete the template cache in the site administration.
Thank you for reporting this and to @mpbraendle for providing a fix.
I will do a new release for both 3.4 and 3.3.
hi @ajnyga when can we expect new release with the update?
thanks @mpbraendle
These should be available in the next 24 hours. The update of the plugin gallery though is not directly in my hands and can not promise what the delay is to get them there. But the plugins will be available for download in the github repository under releases. I can update here once done.
Hi, the new releases for 3.3 and 3.4 are here. I will do a pr for the plugin gallery next.
Thank you for your swift response. I managed to edit these adresses manually and it also worked in OJS 3.3 version of plugin!
Best regards