Full journal transfer from one domain to another in OJS 3.1

Dear Sir/Mam,
I have hosted 9 Journals on domain www.gnpublication.com and I want to transfer all the 9 journals to another domain at www.gnpublication.org

Is there is any easy way to achieve this?

Hi @navmalik

To change a OJS domain you have to edit config.inc.php file and adjust the base_url constant to reflect your new domain. Also, if you will still remain on same server, you will need park this domain on your hosting user account.

When moving from a server to another, please double check files_dir parameter value to reflect you current system path.

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team

I have tried changing the base_url on same server but it removes all the basic css and arrange the site in juggling view.
And doing so will lead me to change all email templates having old website links.
Is there any other way of achieving full journal transfer?

Hi @navmalik

Have you cleared your cache (/cache/ folder or through “Administration > Clear template cache” option ) ?

In any case, it is recommended test an new OJS install as a sandbox to double check that everything is working fine.

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team