- Application Version - e.g., OJS
- Description of issue : Move OJS to a brand new server and then upgrading
- Steps you took leading up to the issue : Inherited a legacy system with a lot of issues
- What you tried to resolve the issue : read the forums, trial and error and much more
OS new server : Ubuntu 18 (Bionic Beaver)
Case :
I have inherited a server with multiple instance of OJS on it , and keep on putting out fires.
I would like to upgrade the OS as it is still on Ubuntu 16 with old OJS
Server A : Original server Ubuntu 16 (Multiple instance) (Prod)
url : serverA.journals.com
Server B : Original server Ubuntu 18 (installed LAMP stack and tested a single install working perfect)(Dev)
url : serverB.journals.com
I cant seem to find any step by step guides on how to do the move instances step by step, I would like to :
- Move Journals from server A to server B, one at a time and upgrade them as i go along from OJS2 → OJS3 (I see guides for this part, but not for the move part)
→ I would like to test and make videos and guides for others that get stuck at this point as well.
1.a - How to i move journals from one server to another ?
1.b - How will i be able to keep the names the same for when i make journal B the new journal A
eg: keep the original server name.
I would appreciate any help be it small or big, I enjoy trying to make life easier for everyone, so thank you in advance
Will add extra questions as they pop up.