Good day i had a problem regarding setup under Journal Setup number 3.Submissions: every time i save and continue for the next step…it will automatically redirecting to the homepage and the contents i encoded, it will not be save to the exact page which in Submission portion, it could be a great things if you could help me regarding my concern…
Hi @loudie,
What version of OJS are you using? Please check your web server’s error log to see if anything relevant appears there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
ojs version 2.4.8 and i don’t see any problem on my web server’s and the other problem is the viewer need to log-in before they see all the journal contents instead it is open access for the visitors. i hope you can help me sir…tnx…
Hi @loudie,
Did you find your web server’s error log, and was there anything in it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team