Files not showing in production


I am using OJS 3.0 unsuccessfully. My manuscript has been copyedited. I then click on “Send to Production” but the files don’t appear there. I don’t particularly want to download the files onto my harddrive and then re-upload them. Surely they should automatically go to production when I click on "Send to Production?

Did you upload the copyedited file to the “Copyedited” files grid in the bottom of the Copyediting stage?

You can review the suggested workflow here:

Yes, I did. I have also read through the manual but it is unclear.

The thing with the copyediting and productions stages is that they are very flexible allowing very different kinds of workflows. Meaning that you can do everything by yourself as an editor, ask the author to do some parts of copyediting/proofreading or have some assisting users like copyeditors, layout editors or proofreaders take part. That is probably why it is difficult to write clear instructions there.

When you upload a file to the “copyedited” grid and press “send to production” the system should open up a modal window. The window has an email template which tells the author that the manuscript is moving forward and the files uploaded to the “copyedited” grid should appear there.

If you are using OJS version 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 it could of course be that there is a bug of some sort involved. I would suggest then that you upgrade to 3.1 which has a lot of other fixes as well.