Files Not Accessible by Reviewers

We are running OJS 3.1 and recently had a couple of reviewers report that there were no review files available after they accepted the review invitation.

When I checked the submission entry as a Journal Manager, the Review Files were visible. When I logged in as the reviewers, the Review Files were NOT there.

Is there something we can do to fix this problem?

Hi @akoehler

Have you upgraded to OJS 3.1 or it is a fresh install? If it is an upgrade, what was your previous OJS version?

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team

We upgraded to 3.1 a couple of weeks ago. We were previously running 3.0.2.

Hi @akoehler

Could you please check your php error log file in your webserver and post related info or message about this issue you are reporting?

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team

Are the php error logs only accessible by admins? We do not have anyone on staff who currently has that access.

PHP error log are accessible by IT staff team or member. Please, ask to someone who manage your server to handle this for you.

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team