File size error while uploading PDF or Word file - OJS

I have installed OJS and been using for a month. I have been trying to upload file some pdf/ word file sized around 3MB, but I get this error 'File size error." message while uploading the file. I already had upload_max_filesize and post_max_size increased in the PHP configuration from cPanel.
I am wondering what could go wrong. Could someone please help me?


Here is the PHP configuration from the cPanel.

Hi @Anamul_Palash,

There are also some limits in your Apache configuration; check this FAQ entry.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


In case it might help someone, for me the thing that worked was increasing the limit from php.ini:

upload_max_filesize = 1G
post_max_size = 1G



Is there anyway without changing the php.ini file??

This is also helpful for me, the same issue I have faced right now

Hi, I tried this but it didn’t work for me. I went to the file manager directory and located all three php.ini files (in my case it’s php5, php7.2 and php7.3) and changed these settings to 1G for all three php.ini files but I’m still having that issue of “file size error” when I try to upload in the galleys.

Please help. Issue has persisted for over a week but regardless of where I go its only these two lines. What am I doing wrong

file directory (/home/nameofsite/etc/php7.3)

I’ve found the solution to this issue, editing the Global PHP configuration and setting the limitations there has resolved it.

The earlier mentioned Apache change sometimes needed - link is broken.
Where is the “Global PHP configuration” you mention here?

Hi @guthrie,

I’ve corrected the link to the FAQ entry above. Meanwhile, I’ll close this thread in favour of newer ones, in order to avoid spamming folks who have long since solved their issues with large uploads.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team