Fatal php error while upgrading from OJS 3.1 to the latest version

Hello PKP community, I have been trying for long to update from OJS 3.1 to the latest version,. however yesterday i managed to upgrade it but received the following fatal errors:
[08-Jul-2021 10:06:41 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method MedraExportPlugin::getTemplateResourceName() in /home/jmedscic/public_html/plugins/importexport/medra/MedraExportPlugin.inc.php:63

Stack trace:

#0 /home/jmedscic/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/Plugin.inc.php(358): MedraExportPlugin->getTemplatePath(false)

#1 /home/jmedscic/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/Plugin.inc.php(115): Plugin->_registerTemplateResource()

#2 /home/jmedscic/public_html/classes/plugins/PubObjectsExportPlugin.inc.php(54): Plugin->register(‘importexport’, ‘plugins/importe…’, NULL)

#3 /home/jmedscic/public_html/plugins/importexport/medra/MedraExportPlugin.inc.php(30): PubObjectsExportPlugin->register(‘importexport’, ‘plugins/importe…’, NULL)

#4 /home/jmedscic/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginRegistry.inc.php(69): MedraExportPlugin->register(‘importexport’, ‘plugins/importe…’, NULL)

#5 /home/jmedscic/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginRegistry.inc.php(142): PluginRegistry::register(‘importexport’, Object(MedraExportPlugin) in /home/jmedscic/public_html/plugins/importexport/medra/MedraExportPlugin.inc.php on line 63

i am using php ver 7.4
After upgradation the index page is also not loading.
Somebody kindly help me in fixing this issue

From 3.3.0.x, the Medra export plugin is no longer included in the release package. It needs to be downloaded and installed from the plugin gallery (Settings > Website > Plugins > Plugin Gallery).

It sounds like maybe you unpacked the 3.3.0-x release package over the top of your existing files. If you did that, it’s going to cause problems for you.

Thank you Natewr
Actually our website was not loading so was not possible to download and install from the plugin gallery (Settings > Website > Plugins > Plugin Gallery)I some how manage to downgrade / install the previous version, changed the default them and run the updates and it worked

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