WARN Malformed response: mismatched tag at line 20, column 2, byte 1406 at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/ line 187. . The most common reason for malformed responses is illegal bytes in UTF-8 streams (e.g. the inclusion of Latin1 characters with codes>127 without creating proper UTF-8 mutli-byte sequences). You might find the utf8conditioner, found on the OAI tools page helpful for debugging.
FAIL Failed to parse Identify response
FAIL ABORT: Failed to parse Identify response from server at base URL ‘’.
The OAI-PMH data provider with base URL has failed initial validation. Problems reported must be corrected before validation can continue.
When I ran your site through the OAI validator I didn’t get any errors. Did you fix something already? The error message you posted refers to invalid UTF-8 content, which means there might be an invalid character in your metadata. You can follow the instructions in the error message to try to identify it.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
REQUEST Open Journal Systems GET
PASS Administrator email address is ‘’
PASS Correctly reports OAI-PMH protocol version 2.0
PASS baseURL supplied matches the Identify response
PASS Datestamp granularity is ‘seconds’
PASS Extracted earliestDatestamp 2017-11-05T14:48:35Z
PASS oai-identifier description for version 2.0 is being used
PASS namespace-identifier (repositoryIdentifier element) in oai-identifier declaration is
Checking ListSets response
Generic Plugins (17)
Acron Plugin
Dublin Core Indexing Plugin
Google Analytics Plugin
Google Scholar Indexing Plugin
HTML Article Galley
ORCID Profile Plugin
Static Pages Plugin
TinyMCE Plugin
Usage event
Usage Statistics
Web Feed Plugin
Import/Export Plugins (7)
CrossRef XML Export Plugin
DataCite Export/Registration Plugin
DOAJ Export Plugin
mEDRA Export/Registration Plugin
Native XML Plugin
PubMed XML Export Plugin
Users XML Plugin
OAI Metadata Format Plugins (4)
DC Metadata Format
MARC Metadata Format
MARC21 Metadata Format
RFC1807 Metadata Format
Yes, your plugins look fine. I just ran your site through the OAI validator again and I didn’t get any errors. The XML output is showing all 4 metadata formats. Are you still getting the “no metadata formats” error?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team