Exporting Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)

I am trying to provide our metadata for inclusion in AGRICOLA (the U.S. National Agriculture Library). According to its website, “Publishers have the option of submitting metadata in one of the three formats noted below. The preferred format is MODS, unless the publisher has already created records in JATS or NLM DTD. MODS records require the least amount of preprocessing by NAL staff and will be available in AGRICOLA more rapidly than those in either or JATS or the NLM DTD.”

Does anyone have experience with this? Does any of the export mechanisms in OJS fit MODS?

Hi @achristian,

What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Sorry about that. I’m using 2.4.X.


Hi @achristian,

OJS does have code supporting a conversion to the MODS metadata format, but it’s not currently hooked up to anything. It should be possible to write a plugin to permit exporting of articles in this format, but it’ll take a bit of PHP coding (mostly scaffolding) to do that. As the MODS support isn’t hooked up to anything, it’ll likely need some care and feeding as it hasn’t been used recently.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team