When i export sample issue always error " could not converts issues"
I use ojs 3.0
When i export sample issue always error " could not converts issues"
I use ojs 3.0
Hi @Vhiie,
What exact version of OJS are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thx u for ur answer
I using ojs Version 3.0.1 sir
Hi @Vhiie,
I would suggest upgrading to OJS 3.0.2 – some improvements were added to the XML toolset.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher, we use OJS 3.0.2, but we still have problems exporting issues.
We have problems with the xml export in some plugins.
For example:
The link provides this failure information:
Validation errors:
Element ‘{http://pkp.sfu.ca}issues’: Missing child element(s). Expected is ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}issue ).
Invalid XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?> **Could not convert selected objects.**What we should improve or apply?
Thank you in advance.
Hi @Isabel-M,
Are you attempting to visit that link directly? It looks as though no issue was specified for export. There should be e.g. checkboxes to permit the selection of one or more issues on the previous page.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
No, I make all the steps, thank you.
First I go to http://site/ojs/index.php/journal/management/tools#importexport
Then, http://site/ojs/index.php/journal/management/importexport/plugin/NativeImportExportPlugin
Then, http://site/ojs/index.php/journal/management/importexport/plugin/NativeImportExportPlugin#exportIssues-tab
Then, I CHECK the current volume.
And finally, I press the bottom EXPORT ISSUE.
Is then when I find the error.
Thank you,
Hi @Isabel-M
Could you somehow provide me the whole XML (that you see together with the validation error message)? You can remove the base64 encoded content from there, as well as replace any sensible content with a default text.
Dear @bozana,
thank you for your reply.
The XML archives that result from “volume” and “articles” seem full of “garbage”.
I have tried to validate the xml trying to find the error, if exists, but I don’t know how to check it.
If you wish, I can show you the articles xml; perhaps you can see where is the mistake:
(here, 6 articles, as example; the three beginners and the latest three of the shown list).
Also, the xml from volume (the 241 articles of this year):
Thank you so much.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
Hi @Isabel-M
Hmm… I could validate your articles-XML. Thus, it seems that these articles are OK i.e. you should be able to export them.
How did you get those XMLs – did you copy them from the XML validation error message? – It seems that the export of the articles-XML that you sent me should not report any validation errors… Was that the case? Or was the problem only with the issue export?
I will also take a look at the issue-XML – still downloading it…
Hi @Isabel-M
Hmmm… I had to remove the content of those tags from your issue-XML file – it was too big so I could not validate it – but then I could validate it.
Your issue seems to be huge – 241 articles – so maybe this is the problem. Also some files seem to be huge.
Why do you need that export?
How did you manage to export/create that XML file?
Dear bozana,
Thank you so much.
I get the xml attachments from XML Native Plugin, at last.
I think our technician solved the xml code and the time code. We had a problem (with that error report time ago) but since a few days we can export the xml.
But I thought the xml was wrong because I saw all that letters… and I couldn’t to validate xml.
I am worry about all that code (letters and more letters, tags…) because we need the xml for our indexing works. Repositories ask for them.
Sorry if I am wrong or I don’t know how to explain this better. It’s bigger than me
thank you, again,
Hi @Isabel-M
The XML is fine – this is how the export in OJS native format looks like in OJS 3
Maybe the integration with Repositories and indexing could be done somehow differently? – that XML contains all possible information and article files, so that Repositories probably do not need all that.
Maybe via OAI or using SWORD (when it is implemented for OJS 3.x) or using another XML format or that you transform that XML into another or to write your own export or…?
Did you maybe use OJS 2 and if so how did you do that there?
Dear Bozana,
I suppose not all the repositories need the XML Native plugin exportation.
You know every great repository works with its own system (DOAJ, for example, works with its own plugin, adapted to OJS).
But it was very important for us to know our main xml plugin, the native plugin, was right.
I agree with you that the best global system to export data is OAI-PMH. In fact, I am trying from several weeks ago to implement OAI protocol in our OJS, but we don’t know how.
I have checked our web in OAI-PMH Data Provider Validation and Registration
and our result is:
Validation only
Request logged from XX
Checking Identify response
REQUEST http://our-journal-web/ojs/index.php/journal?verb=Identify GET
WARN Malformed response: mismatched tag at line 29, column 2, byte 2027 at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/Parser.pm line 187. . The most common reason for malformed responses is illegal bytes in UTF-8 streams (e.g. the inclusion of Latin1 characters with codes>127 without creating proper UTF-8 mutli-byte sequences). You might find the utf8conditioner, found on the OAI tools page helpful for debugging.
FAIL Failed to parse Identify response
FAIL ABORT: Failed to parse Identify response from server at base URL ‘http://our-journal-web/ojs/index.php/journal’.
The OAI-PMH data provider with base URL http://our-journal-web/ojs/index.php/journal has failed initial validation. Problems reported must be corrected before validation can continue.
And when I try to validate here: http://oval.base-search.net/
Our result is:
Validation Results
Repository Information
[Could not find name in Identify.]
[Could not find email in Identify.]
Server communication
SUCCESS: Server supports both GET and POST requests.
WARNING: Could not determine OAI-PMH protocol version; assuming 2.0
XML Validation
ERROR: Identify response is not well-formed: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
ERROR: ListRecords response is not well-formed: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: Deleting strategy could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: ListRecords batch size could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: Resumption requests could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: Incremental harvesting (day granularity) of ListRecords could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: dc:language conformance to ISO 639 could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: dc:date ISO 8601 conformance could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
UNVERIFIED: Minimal DC elements could not be checked: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 27 and head, line 29, column 8
Hi @Isabel-M
Hmmm… Would it be possible for you to send me the URL of your installation (as a private message) so that I can take a look?
Buenas tarde Bozana.
Tengo el mismo Problema de Isabel-M
Al querer validar mi sitio en “OAI-PMH Data Provider Validation and Registration”, sale el siguiente mensaje de error:
ADVERTENCIA Respuesta mal formada: declaración XML o de texto no al inicio de la entidad en la línea 2, columna 0, byte 1 en /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/Parser.pm línea 187
¿Cual será el problema?
Muchas gracias