Errors when displaying variables - Errores al visualizar variables

Tengo el siguiente problema, hice una instalación desde cero de OJS en su versión y todo funciona de maravillas, salvo que hay variables (creo yo que son variables del sistema) que me aparecen en el siguiente formato: ##submission.list.filter## ; quería saber si alguien tuvo el mismo inconveniente y que lo causa y como puedo solucionarlo. Muchas Gracias

I have the following problem, I made an installation from scratch of OJS in its version and everything works wonders, except that there are variables (I think yes system variables) that appears in the following format: ## submission.list .filter ##; I wanted to know if someone had the same problem and what caused it and how I can solve it. Thank you very much

Hi @brian.doubna

It is related to locale setting. When you see a var with double ##, e.g. ##submission.list.filter##, it is related to your current locale hasn’t yet translated.

You can know further about translation here:

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team