Dear users,
as I use OJS for filing of documents for a Magazine, it is - unfortunately - not possible to register. The error that occurs is: " Errors occurred processing this form: •At least one role must be selected."
Can anybody help me?
Best, H.
What version of OJS are you running? A similar question for OJS3 is answered here:
I am having the same problem. I followed the instructions in the other thread suggested but it isn’t working.
My site is . Only just installed, so feel free to give it a shot. Authors are allowed to self-register as per that other thread…
Am I meant to have a “” in classes/user/form/ ? Because I don’t, but it appears in earlier versions I needed that file. Perhaps that is the culprit?
The file classes/user/form/ is a part of OJS 2.x, but not OJS 3.x.
Can you provide some screenshots of where you have enabled author self-registration? Your registration page is not exposing the hidden “authorGroup[]” input I would expect to see.
I go:
Users & Roles
Click the arrow next to author
Hit the Blue Edit button
In the pop-up I check that the “Allow user self-registration is checked” (It is) (I actually had an idea to cycle it off then save then cycle it back on again… I tried that for both author and reader just then… but didn’t change anything!)
I attach a screenshot of my double monitors… the settings for allow user self-registration on the right with my admin account and trying to setup a new profile in incognito mode on the left.
As I have only just installed this, quite happy to add you as an editor if you pm me your details. Might be quicker!
Yes, those settings seem correct. I am not able to replicate this problem in my install from OJS stable 3.0.0, but it looks like others are having the same problem:
I also experienced the same thing. I have done it according to instructions but I still can’t register Author
I have the same problem. Although I’ve made it possible to register as an author under the author role it will not show up when you choose the link ‘Register’