Errors occurred during installation: The directory specified for uploaded files does not exist or is not writable

Hi, I am trying to install OJS (version but I keep getting the error message:

“The directory specified for uploaded files does not exist or is not writable.”

We have already created the directory and assigned permissions but the problem persists. All the settings are adjusted according to the recommendations, but the problem persists and we cannot finish installing OJS.

Does anyone have ideas of what else to try?

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-29 um 13.23.22

Hello @jorges .

Can you tell more information?

Server Linux or…
What linux?

Can you do ls -lah on the directory ?

Hello, thank you very much for replying. In the following image is the server info. We have the hosting in a shared hosting. We have access to the files by cPanel (we could also access by SSH) and we can modify permissions.
Image 2022-08-29 at 16.32.03

Hello @jorges

Can you paste here, content of variable files_dir in your php and pwd in SSH in your files_dir directory and ls -lah? Thanks

Can you test this?

Put your files_dir into your directory web.

Create into your files_dir a file: .htaccess

With this content:
Deny from all

Config in your the complete path to your files_dir

You can do in SSH, pwd, to see the path.


Hi, thank you very much for the answer.
I have tried what you indicate but I still get the same error: “The directory specified for uploaded files does not exist or is not writable.”

Can you paste here, content of variable files_dir in your php and pwd in SSH in your files_dir directory and ls -lah? Thanks

Thank you very much @juanito for your help. We were finally able to solve the problem by doing the installation through the Softaculous wizard that is available in some cPanel services.

Image 2022-09-01 at 11.43.34

I leave this message here in case in the future someone can use it.
Thank you very much!