we register new articles and their DOI’s always with DataCite. Since updating to OJS 3.0.2 we use the “DataCite Export/Registration Plugin” for it. Now we realised that when clicking on any DOI in the article page (for example the DOI 10.13152/IJRVET.3.3.1) , one is forwarded to the summary of the latest issue (Vol 4, Nr 2).
It seems that all the DOIs since your issue Vol 4, Nr 1 are registered with the URLs that contain the parameters in the URL (with disable_path_info = On ?) e.g. http://www.ijrvet.net/index.php?journal=IJRVET&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=232 and that you actually use.
The other, older DOIs, i.e. at least the one from the article example above, were registered with other kind of URLs (with disable_path_info = Off ?) e.g. http://www.ijrvet.net/index.php/IJRVET/article/view/195.
These second art of URLs apparently cannot be properly resolved – they resolve to the journal home page.
Can it be that you have change your URLs since Vol 4, Nr 1 ? If so than you should update the DOIs i.e. register them anew.