Error when show Home in English Language


Maybe somebody can help me.

In my journal I have choosed Spanish like main language, but English is available too. However, when I submit the change to English the home page is not showed correctly. I am using OJS 2.4.6. The journal is located in

Thank in advance.
(Sorry for my English)

Hi @andresf01,

I’m afraid that site isn’t working for me at the moment. Could you include a screenshot of the unexpected behavior?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

It was my mistake the site is without secure http protocol, however here is the screenshot.


Hi @andresf01,

I assume it’s the header and cover images that you’re having trouble with, correct? Have you uploaded English versions of those images?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

I gave Editor and Journal Manager instructions to translate content, however I am checking by myself and I think that they didn’t do their job. Sorry to waste your time.

Thanks a lot.