Error when importing XML via Native XML Plugin


We are trying to export editions of version (Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences) to install the Publications Portal (Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences) which uses version

This error screen appears

The same occurred when trying to import the XML collected from version (Acta Scientiae et Technicae) for the installation of the Publications Portal (Acta Scientiae et Technicae) which uses version

In this second case, the system displays this error

I checked another forum post but I don’t know where to find the XML standards for both versions.

Hi @Nathalia_Avila,

The XML standards (the schema), can be found here: ojs/plugins/importexport/native/native.xsd at 3_3_0-14 · pkp/ojs · GitHub (for 3.3.0-14) and here ojs/plugins/importexport/native/native.xsd at 3_3_0-15 · pkp/ojs · GitHub ((for 3.3.0-15). But, this error might also be indicating that something else might be going on for your instance, so you may wish to check your PHP error logs and report on any errors found there.

PKP Team

Hi @ Nathalia_Avila

due to schema changes, you can’t export/import Native XML files between different major OJS versions (OJS 3.2 to 3.3 won’t work). This is so for your second case.

For the first case (3.3.0-14 to 3.3.0-15) that should be possible. You can click on the red dot right to the “Resultados” tab to see what error happened.

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If it can help, the “white error” of your first page appear every time I import our generated content, but the article and info are correctly imported. You might find your articles under “archived” with the wrong or missing issue. Good luck!

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