Hi all,
I upgraded OJS from 2.3.7 to OJS 2.4.8 without any problem.
Upgrading from 2.4.8 to 3.1.2 first failed with “static” and installed the patch for that:
That worked fine, but then I got stuck with the error: ojs2: DB Error: ERROR: relation “articles” does not exist
I read the post: Upgrade from 2.4 to 3.0.2 and 3.1 failed - #7 by gustavov
and applied patch: https://github.com/pkp/ojs/commit/4d3455f1f56b4a2d21d86456b6d3e84b00f6b87c.diff
I got a Hunk:
patching file dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.0.0_update.xml
Hunk #1 FAILED at 93.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.0.0_update.xml.rej
3.0.0_update.xml.rej looks like this:
--- dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.0.0_update.xml
+++ dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.0.0_update.xml
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@
<query driver="mysql">UPDATE submission_files sf, genres g, submissions s, article_galleys_migration agm SET sf.genre_id = g.genre_id WHERE g.entry_key = 'STYLE' AND g.context_id = s.context_id AND s.submission_id = sf.su\
bmission_id AND sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
<query driver="mysqli">UPDATE submission_files sf, genres g, submissions s, article_galleys_migration agm SET sf.genre_id = g.genre_id WHERE g.entry_key = 'STYLE' AND g.context_id = s.context_id AND s.submission_id = sf.s\
ubmission_id AND sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
- <query driver="postgres7">UPDATE submission_files SET genre_id = g.genre_id FROM genres g, submissions s, article_galleys_migration agm WHERE g.entry_key = 'STYLE' AND g.context_id = s.context_id AND s.submission_id = sub\
mission_files.submission_id AND sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
+ <query driver="postgres7">UPDATE submission_files sf SET genre_id = g.genre_id FROM genres g, submissions s, article_galleys_migration agm WHERE g.entry_key = 'STYLE' AND g.context_id = s.context_id AND s.submission_id = \
sf.submission_files.submission_id AND sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
<!-- issue #2758: set assoc_type = 515 (ASSOC_TYPE_SUBMISSION_FILE) and the appropriate assoc_id for HTML galley CSS files -->
<query driver="mysql">UPDATE submission_files sf, article_galleys_migration agm SET sf.assoc_type = 515, sf.assoc_id = agm.file_id WHERE sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
<query driver="mysqli">UPDATE submission_files sf, article_galleys_migration agm SET sf.assoc_type = 515, sf.assoc_id = agm.file_id WHERE sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
- <query driver="postgres7">UPDATE submission_files SET assoc_type = 515, assoc_id = agm.file_id FROM article_galleys_migration agm WHERE sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
+ <query driver="postgres7">UPDATE submission_files sf SET assoc_type = 515, assoc_id = agm.file_id FROM article_galleys_migration agm WHERE sf.file_id = agm.style_file_id</query>
<!-- Bug #7745: Change no_NO to nb_NO -->
I tried to replace the two rows manually but I still got the error: ojs2: DB Error: ERROR: relation “articles” does not exist
I guess that the problem is that I use postgresql 11.
Thanks alot!