Hi all
Recently I have installed OJS 3.1.0 and when i try open a PDF shown a error, somebody could you help me
Hi all
Recently I have installed OJS 3.1.0 and when i try open a PDF shown a error, somebody could you help me
This kind of message is often related to permission to read PDF file, but it might be related a not found file to show.
Please, check is you had set correct permission and owner in your filesystem to dir_files and if this parameter is correctly inside config.inc.php to your files folder in your OJS instance.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi israel
I check and the directory files have all permission and the config:inc.php the root is ok
Check your php error log and browser console log either. When some asset is not loading some useful message will be recorded in such places.
Please, see it and paste here related infos from there.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Please make sure that path to files is correct.
I have had recently such issue and the correct path was
instead of
Please check that again.
Hi vvucic
I check and the path is correct still is not working the viewer PDF
Please check permissions for that folder. Can you check folders in that folder and check whether the pdf files are really there.
Hi vvucic
the folder has all permissions and the pdf files are in this folder
Did you upgraded from previous version or you performed clean install of OJS 3.1?
I upgrade from version to 3.1.0
What is message in your php error log about this error? And in your browser console log?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi all,
I had the described problem with PDF not showing after an incomplete upgrade from 2.4.8 to 3.1. The upgrade is moving files around and in my case the upgrade finished too early with an error, so the PDFs were not in the correct place after upgrade. How was the upgrade process? It has to finish without errors and warnings.