
When some of our journals were collected through OAI, the following message appears:

2019-02-28 02:06:57

ERROR: UERJ-13 :: Harvest finished with errors

2019-02-28 02:06:54

ERROR: Fatal: Parsing XML (SAXException - set org.oclc.oai.harvester2 Logger level = DEBUG and see log file for xml body details): / oai? verb = ListRecords & metadataPrefix = oai_dc :: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.

2019-02-28 02:06:53

INFO: There are NO sets defined, the entire collection will be harvested

Are there any suggestions to fix the problem?

The error message appears to be slightly misleading.

The actual error message coming from the ListRecords verb with the oai_dc metadataPrefix is:

Cannot instantiate class. Class “Dc11SchemaArticleAdapter” is not declared in “plugins.metadata.dc11.filter.Dc11SchemaArticleAdapter”.

Does your “” look like this?

The error message seems to indicate that line 23 is not functioning as expected.


We’ve received a similar message from a harvester, and the line 23 of our file don’t have difference from the example.

2019-02-28 10:33:36
ERROR: UNENTRO-3 :: Cosecha finalizada con errores
2019-02-28 10:33:35
ERROR: Fatal:Parsing XML (SAXException - set org.oclc.oai.harvester2 Logger level=DEBUG and see file log for xml body details): :: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.
2019-02-28 10:33:35
INFO: NO hay sets definidos, se cosechará toda la colección

What actions could we take?

@Mauricio_Adriano, the link above appears to return valid XML now. How were you able to resolve the issue?

Hi @ctgraham,

I only updated in “Setup > Details > 1.8 Search engine indexing > Custom tags” the meta tag scheme=“identifier”, there was a space in content value, but I wasn’t sure if this was the problem.