Error in publishing full issue in pdf

I created an issue and uploaded the pdf file. It looks like it is ok until i clck on it and it says: The requested URL /pjrh/index.php/pjrh/issue/view/ Journal of Reproductive Health Vol1 Issue 6 December 2017 was not found on this server.

Please help

Please describe the process how you uploaded and what you checked etc. since when I click on Label of yuor journal I got URL but not PDF.
I see that your link to Current does not work too. Did you change settings to definition of URL in

When the table of contents was done, I completed the next tab (Issue Data) where the cover image was uploaded and saved. Then the next is Create Issue Galley where I uploaded the whole issue pdf, entered galley label and galley identifier and saved. I didn’t change the items on the identifiers.

Whereas the individual articles work, the whole issue link and pdf is not

Hi @aekeroma,
Actually I also don’t know what shoud be uploaded under “issue galley”.

But, for your problem,
You need to upload pdf galley for each submission seperately.
You need to go to “Submission” then “All active” and then click any article to which you need to add pdf galley.
Then, click the production tab and upload your pdf file under “Galleys”.

I hope, you will get your pdf file of your article after this.


In fact that was what was one. All individual articles are published but need to know how to publish the whole issue’s pdf

When I open issue Galleys and Clickm on Create Issue Galleys I got the screen as attached.
2018-01-04 11_22_47-Issues - SeaMonkey
I uploaded separate PDF file of whole issue in this form and when I click save I have got the following:
2018-01-04 11_26_21-Politics and Religion Journal - SeaMonkey

when I click on Whole Issue button I have got pdf of whole issue that I uploaded.
That worked normally. How was your process?

It hasnt worked still. What dd you upload in the Issue Galleys? I uploaded the whole issue pdf and it still came up with an error

I can email the whole issue pdf and see if you can fix

We had the same issue with our Issue Galleys. The problem was that the Issue Galley Identifier should NOT have any spaces or symbols in the name. It should also not only contain numbers. So combination between numbers and letters.

This solved our problem.

Is it necessary to upload complete issue’s PDF? Can’t we just upload individual article’s PDFs?