Hi @ctgraham,
I find the problem (thank you for pointing out the base_url setting)
In my installation I have several journals: some with custom urls and some with the url of the site index
In my config.inc.php I added baseurl overrides olny for journals with custom urls and I didn’t find data for a journal in the site index path (leo.cineca.it/index.php/jlis, below you can see the whole configuration)
Now I’ve added an override for jlis, too and re-processed the logs, so I now can see data for this journal, too.
It seems a strange behavior, for me, because I thought that overrides was only for custom urls.
Is my reasongin correct?
; Base URL override settings: Entries like the following examples can
; be used to override the base URLs used by OJS. If you want to use a
; proxy to rewrite URLs to OJS, configure your proxy’s URL here.
; Syntax: base_url[journal_path] = http://www.myUrl.com
; To override URLs that aren’t part of a particular journal, use a
; journal_path of “index”.
; Examples:
; base_url[index] = http://www.myUrl.com
; base_url[myJournal] = http://www.myUrl.com/myJournal
; base_url[myOtherJournal] = http://myOtherJournal.myUrl.com
base_url[index] = http://leo.cineca.it
base_url[agcm] = http://iar.agcm.it
base_url[cilea] = http://bollettino.cilea.it
base_url[caspur] = http://www.annualreport.caspur.it
base_url[ccp] = http://caspur-ciberpublishing.it
base_url[ebph] = http://ebph.it
base_url[formez] = http://www.amministrativamente.com
base_url[hystrix] = http://www.italian-journal-of-mammalogy.it
base_url[researchhpc2006] = http://researchhpc2006.cilea.it
base_url[ijph] = http://ijphjournal.it
base_url[jlis] = LEO
base_url[symphonya] = http://symphonya.unimib.it
base_url[scires-it] = http://caspur-ciberpublishing.it/index.php/scires-it