I´m using OJS-3.2.1-4 with some journals in it, recently when changes in the site setup (APACHE) were made all journals except one present access problems (ERROR 500) when a click is made in every article´s link of each issue. I think that maybe the problems are in the parameter’s configuration with that journals but checking with the only one that has’t problem I don’t achieve to find anything.
Do you see anything in your PHP error logs that is relevant to this issue that you could post here to give us a better indication of what might be happening?
Hmmm… not sure I can assist with such little information, but someone else may step in to help. Typically, with these types of errors, we see at least something in the PHP error log to indicate what the issue is.
The problem dissapears when the plugin “Citation Style Language” is desabled, ¿is there any problem with that plugin and ojs3.2.1-4? Now I have another problem, when the article is showed the section with the authors dissapears:
Here the image for the current deployed version (ojs3.2.1-4):
And here the same image for the previous version (ojs3.2.1-2):
For your other issue, can you please post this as a separate forum post (and please include your OJS version number, steps taken to address the issue, as well as any relevant error messages)? We prefer to limit forum threads to one issue, as this helps keep the forum organized, and assists users in identifying solutions to issues.