Error During Review Request

I’ve upgrade an installation from to by the recommended process (full upgrade). It appeared to have gone well, but users are encountering an error “##user.profile.form.privacyConsentRequired##” when attempting to request a submission review on the back-end.

A user will go to Submissions → My Queue → My Assigned → (a submission with review due)

They cannot get past the 1. Request (Request for Review) step. After clicking “Save and continue”, the form displays the error at the top- “Errors occurred processing this form” “##user.profile.form.privacyConsentRequired##”

It appears that the error is returned after POST to /journal/reviewer/saveStep/###?step=1, where “journal” is the base_url of the journal, and ### is the submission ID
When I navigate to it without sending data via POST, is shows " {“status”:true,“content”:" "


Then when navigating to their Profile → Identity, I get a pop up in the top right with the same error.


Under Profile → Roles, it shows, “Your data is stored in accordance with our privacy statement.” There is no option available, so it would seem that consent had already been given.


I’ve bypassed the error by commenting line 26 in /lib/pkp/classes/submission/reviewer/form/

$this->addCheck(new FormValidator($this, 'privacyConsent', 'required', 'user.profile.form.privacyConsentRequired'));

I understand that is not ideal to modify the core, and I’d still like to know why the error is being produced.

Hi @wptx,

I’ve filed this at Make privacy statement presentation and form checks consistent · Issue #3827 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.

Meanwhile, the best solution (if I’m reading the problem correctly) is to enter a privacy statement in your journal settings. This is recommended anyway.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I’m not sure how to solve that in terms of entering additional information in the settings. When I go to the Settings Wizard → Submission, it has text already entered under Privacy Statement.


It is the same text displayed when navigating to /journal/about/privacy, which is also the URL that is linked to “privacy statement” in “Your data is stored in accordance with our privacy statement.” on the Profile tabs. There doesn’t appear to be any missing privacy configuration, but perhaps I overlooked something. The Registration and New Submission forms have the checkbox as expected, “Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the Policy Statement.”

Hi @wptx,

Is it possible that this review has already been confirmed by the reviewer?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I don’t think so. It occurred with several submissions assigned for review by others (but not yet completed) prior to the upgrade. The submissions appear under their Submissions → My Queue → My Assigned, and show “The reviewer has missed the review due date” and “Review Due”, since they had been unable to complete the reviews after the upgrade.

They show as “Review Submitted” (Step 4) now that the reviewers are able to get past Step 1 and complete the review. It appears to be the case that the checkbox was supposed to show on the Step 1. Request, but didn’t, so there was no way they could satisfy the validation check before the code change to remove it.

(Pinging @ajnyga in case something comes to mind!)

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Hi @asmecher and @ajnyga,

I have the same problem and I can confirm the situation that the reviewer already confirmed the review. (Might be that the confirmation happened on OJS 2 and after that we upgraded to OJS 3.1.1-2)

Any hint how to proceed?

BTW: What should be the missing message behind ##user.profile.form.privacyConsentRequired##

Best regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,

See Reviewers can't complete step 1 of the review process due to privacy consent error · Issue #3870 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for details, including a work-around. A fix will be released with the next version of OJS.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi @asmecher,

The workaround works. Thank you very much.

Best regards, Primož