Our journal site is bilingual, Persian and English.
In the English page of the site and the dedicated page of the articles in the reference section, it shows how to cite the article as follows; Displays the author name of the article in Persian and other information in English.
Please advise me how to fix this problem.
Thanks - Ali Akbar
Can you please indicate which version of OJS you’re using?
Do you have the metadata entered in both languages?
PKP Team
I hope you are fine.
Thank you for your attention and response.
We are using version
We also entered all the metadata information.
You may wish to have a look at this post, where a user encountered a similar issue with multilingual author names: Language problem with "How to Cite" - #12 by Oleksandr_Radkevych
I suspect that is what is happening here as well.
There was a fix issued for this particular issue here: Author name is not localized in How-to-Cite citation · Issue #6862 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
You would have to apply the patch noted in the Github issue, or update to a later version of OJS (it was included as of 3.3.0-5).
PKP Team
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