Error after upgrade to OJS 3.1.2

I have succeeded upgrade OJS to 3.1.2 from 2.4.3 without error message, but there’s some bugs and error. here is the example :

1.Design Error

2.System Version not Updated

3.Db error after login

The version of OJS not Update to 3.1.2.

Thank you Admin.

Hi @AriefArfiansyah,

This suggests that the upgrade did not complete successfully. When the upgrade fails, you should either see a confirmation message, or an error.

If you’re using the web-based upgrade tool, it’s possible that the upgrade process wasn’t allowed to complete because of server time limits; if that’s the case, the command-line upgrade tool might be a better choice.

To re-run the upgrade, you’ll have to restore your installtation from backup (including the files directory) and try again.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher Thank you for Reply,

The confirmation message or error not show up, just loading has been completed.
Can you tell me how the upgrade using command-line ?

Thank you.

Have you try to set the max_execution_time as long as possible instead of the default setting in “php.ini” file on the server?