on highdilution.org the page ends with error 404. I have no idea, what went wrong there. Any hints?
Thanks Andreas
You have an iframe in the additional content section?
<link href="/~ojs/zacha_ijhdr/iframes/semh2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><iframe src="/~ojs/zacha_ijhdr/layoutIJHDR/" width="980" height="450" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
You can remove that from Settings => Website => Appearance => Additional content
Thanks: the link is dead!
But (dummy question) where do I find “Settings”? I see only “Administration” as below
Hi @Heertsch,
You’ll need to create at least one journal first, in the “Hosted Journals” area.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
There is one, but no settings…
That is weird. It seems like your site manager account does not have the necessary permissions to enter the journal level settings. And that should not happen to my knowledge. Do you have a separate journal manager account? You could add one from the settings wizard, I think.
yes I agree: the used user has not enough rights.
I have direct access to the database and code. Is there a way to inject a superuser with all rights from the “backside”?
I do not have a detailed view of how the user rights work in OJS3. I mean, I thought that having the site manager rights would automatically grant you the lower rights as well, but that does not seem to be the case here.
You will have wait for @asmecher to reply. Have upgraded from OJS2 just recently? This could be a problem in the upgrade process?
Yes, there was an upgrade in the last months and I am not sure, if all went the right way. But I hope there is a way to introduce a site admin.
Hi @Heertsch,
Does your installation identify itself as the correct version (e.g. when you run php tools/upgrade.php check
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
yes: Administration => System Seettings shows ojs
If I try to start the settings wizard for the main journal, I get:
Is there a way to improve the user (e.g. with some changes in the DB)?
My Answer: Yes
I have added the user_id
of my user to all user_group_id
of user_user_groups
in the ojs DB. Then all the menus are accessible.
So the problem is solved!
Hi @Heertsch,
Glad to hear you’ve found a solution. I suspect you encountered a PHP timeout or something similar when creating the journal; the entry in user_user_groups
should be automatically created when you make a new journal.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Yes, the entry will be create automatically, if one starts a new journal. Unfortunately the journal here was already running, but my login-user was not the creator. So the hack was necessary to improve the role of this user.
Regards & thank’s
Andreas Heertsch