Hello, I’m from SWU library thailand. I using OJS 2.3.6 and Encountered ‘DB errors: duplicates’ when I click ‘Online access’ searching for journals in OJS categories at the Primo search engines. (Primo is search engine product I use in my library and I already set Primo to access OJS with port OAI.)
This thread is quite similar to your question and an user shared his solution, please take a look:
But, even it works to either, I suggest you to update your OJS.
Version 2.3.6 is a kind of old code and newest versions has fixes to bugs that you may encounter in your current one.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
First, Thank you for your answer. I am deeply grateful for your help.
I will try to follow the instructions in the similar question you suggested and try to follow the step by step as it mentioned.