Describe the issue or problem
When a new discussion has been created with an author as a participant, the author receives an email containing a footer with three links: Reply to this comment at #651 Martínez Autor02 or unsubscribe from emails sent by journalName. The link that the ‘Reply to this comment at’ points to is being taken from the $submissionUrl variable (…/workflow/access/…) and if the author clicks on the link the application denies access: ‘You don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow. Maybe it should be that, as this is a new discussion with the authors, the link should be taken from $authorSubmissionUrl (…/authorDashboard/submission/…)
What application are you using?
OJS 3.4.0-8
Additional information
I can think of two possible solutions if:
a) is there any Hook::call registered just before sending any email to send by Laravel’s Mail framework? This way the email could be intercepted and the body could be changed. It seems to me that there is no such Hook.
b) Is there any possibility to override any of the mailables that are involved in creating a discussion in the workflow: DiscussionSubmission.php, DiscussionReview.php, etc? This way the Mailable::addFooter function could be overridden.
Many thanks in advance