Using OJS 3.1 How can we change the email sender? We don’t want our emails sent by the primary contact?
Using OJS 3.1 How can we change the email sender? We don’t want our emails sent by the primary contact?
Hi @emilycarlisle,
In OJS 3.1 different email templates are set up to be sent from different users. You can view all of these by going to Workflow Settings > Emails and scrolling down to Prepared Email Templates. Which of these do you want to change?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Amanda,
From what I understand, it’s the automated emails that we want changed.
Hi Emily,
A lot of these emails are sent automatically. Can you please be more specific about which ones you want to change the sender on?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Amanda,
All of them, from what I gather. Currently the emails are being sent by the journal manager, but for the time being the journal would like the emails to show that they are being sent by the managing editor.
This is not my journal, I am just a representative from the library acting on behalf of the journal. However, I can reach out to find out more information if need be.
Hi Emily,
The sender is set for each email template separately in the code, so you would need to know which particular templates need to be changed.
Is there a reason why the journal doesn’t want to just temporarily change the Primary Contact name and email address to the managing editor’s? That would be the easiest way to do it.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
we have the same doubt. In our journal there are a main contact and several editors (technical editors, etc.). At different stages, editors need to send email to authors and vice-versa. By the moment, in the emails sent by editors figure the email of the main contact. Are there any way to change it and that in each email figure the email of the adequate sender?