In one of your email templates, specified REVIEW_REQUEST_ATTACHED_SUBSEQUENT you mention the following:
“This message is used when the Email-Attachment Review Process is selected in Management > Settings > Workflow > Review”
I can’t find that opportunity. Or does it just mean that you enable ‘Reviewers will have access to the submission file only after agreeing to review it’?
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
What version of OJS are you using? (Including this in your posts will help save my wrists!)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry. I’m translating OJS 3.0
Hi @nef,
OJS 3.0 doesn’t yet support email attachment based reviews, and I’m not sure what our approach to this will be yet. Do you need this feature? If so, can you describe why it’s preferred over having reviewers log in? I’ll pass this around our UI/UX group.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec
No, I don’t need that. I’m just a hard working translator translating the OJS 3.0 including all the prepared emails . Among them you find the REVIEW_REQUEST_ATTACHED_SUBSEQUENT where it says ““This message is used when the Email-Attachment Review Process is selected in Management > Settings > Workflow > Review”” and I didn’t know how to translate that. But if you don’t support it I guess I can forget about that email
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
Thanks – there are still some templates and locale keys that refer to concepts that existed in OJS 2.x but don’t (yet) in OJS 3.x. We’re working on these gradually – and some we will probably not opt to implement – so in the interests of not removing translations that will later become useful, we’ve left some of these in the locale files. If you like, leave those untranslated and they’ll remain in the translator plugin as unfinished until we decide whether to implement or remove from the English files. Pardon our mess as we continue to push forward on OJS 3.x!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
But OJS 3.x *using also doesn’t allow Reviewer to access submission file before accepting to do the review, so maybe some journals want to use attachment-based reviews till you resolve the issue mentioned here:
For now, a Reviewer has no way to access submission file before accepting to do the review.
Hi @mjanjic75,
See Adding the link to a submission file for a reviewer in OJS 3.0 · Issue #1875 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub – that issue has been resolved (and a patch is there).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Excellently done, THANK YOU very much!
Tested it on XAMPP (hope that all interested users are aware that the files to be replaced are in lib/pkp directory, since there are same or similar directories in the OJS root directory), just waiting for the admin to replace them on web server.
Good morning, Alex. I really appreciate all of the help your project team gives. As just a tip to save your wrists, I dictated this reply in Dragon naturally speaking version 15, using a blue microphone, the Nessie, which does not require headphones.
Version 3.x here, installed at Gossamer Threads very recently. I have administrator rights and may soon have Gpanel rights, but in the earlier versions, as editor and publisher I have not installed patches and so forth. I do like the option of letting reviewers see the file before they decide whether to undertake the review. Is that now invokes for version GT installed 2 weeks ago? Or is a patch required>?
The main reason I am writing is this:
As I wrote an author: “On your other inquiry, there is a completed review form for each review, but in looking I couldn’t see that there actually was a document attached. In the old “look” there was a capacity for a reviewer to, in addition to completing the form, attach an annotated copy of the submission with comments, but in the new “look” I can’t see such attachments or the previous capacity to check a box giving the author access to the attachment. The option to include peer reviews in the editorial decision letter remains (and you received yours). The option to attach a file in the email with the editorial decision no longer appears, nor does the option to cc: or bcc: anyone in that email. It may be that in the new version, if the journal manager has invoked the requirement that a form be used in reviews, there is no longer a capacity to send attachments (perhaps due to the likelihood that the reviewer has failed to strip metadata from their attachment, making it too easy for the blind peer review process to be lost). I have created an Open Journal Systems forum discussion item with these issues.”
I think this describes the dilemma. One reviewer did the form and said “see attached” and in the 2.x if they did I could see it. Now, even though they may have submitted the review before the upgrade, I can’t see it, and assume it is lost in the ozone. If you don’t get the reference, it is a song written by George Frane, aka Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen, circa 1970.
Hi Alec,
I see the same Review_Request_Attached templates in our OJS 3.3 installation (Septentrio at UiT The Arctic University of Norway). And these templates are confusing our editors (I am in user support and I was also confused, lucky I found this thread in the forum).
In your 2016 post you indicated that the option of attaching a submission to the review request email is an old function, from OJS 2.x. The option is still not there in OJS 3.3?
Are you still considering to implement this option in OJS 3, is this why these templates are still hanging around? Or has someone just forgotten to delete them?
Thanks for your help,