I have migrated from 2.4.6 to 3.0.1. Where can I find Privacy Statement in the new version?
It used to be accessible via: about/submissions#privacyStatement in the old version and was displayed beneath copyright notice in submission page.
I found a reference to it in lib/pkp/templates/submission/form/step1.tpl. There was a field disabled=true. I turned that to false. But nothing is still displayed regarding privacy notice in submission page.
Also how can I access editorial policies? It used to be accessible via:
Those fields (and several more) were now merged into only one field under Settings > Journal > About the Journal and should be displayed on the journal web page under About > About the Journal. S. [OJS] Consolidate information entry into fewer fields · Issue #1397 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. But it could be, that we haven’t considered it in the migration – I will double check and let you know…
I think, it would maybe be best to copy them all manually into that one input filed Settings > Journal > About the Journal. This is also, how we would migrate them. There the journal managers can edit them and then they will be displayed on the journal about page.