Editorial Decision Not Recorded

Describe the issue or problem
We click “Decline Submission” In order to reject a manuscript nit suitable for publication. A dialogue box eas opened containing email notification to the authors, thereafter, we click ok to record “Editorial Decision”. It shows that it was successful.
However, upon checking the system, we noticed the manuscript was still intact. The editorial decision wad not recorded. The manuscript was supposed to have been moved to achive after the decision, but it was still under the review stage.
I checked the “activity log” Nothing was recorded to indicated the action done

Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:

  1. Go to ‘Round 2’ of article ID: 332
  2. Click on ‘.Decline submission.’. It opens a predefined email message to the author.
  3. Scroll down to ‘click continue.’
  4. It opens another predefined thank you email message to the reviewers.
  5. Scroll down to click “record editorial decision”.
  6. A new dialogue box opened that shows success. Then click 'view submission"
  7. The manuscript was still seen under “Review Stage” Instead of “Archived”.

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