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My question concerns Editorial activity section in OJS 3.4. According to my understanding of the PKP documentation (see below), when a specific time period is selected the total submissions is the sum of accepted and rejected submissions for that period:
“If a date range is applied, it only counts submissions that were submitted AND accepted/declined within that date range. So, e.g., a submission that was submitted before the date range but received an accept/reject decision within the date range will not be counted. For this reason, it’s best to use long date ranges and older date ranges to get accurate acceptnce/rejection rates.”
Now, for the number of accepted and rejected submissions, if I understand correctly, submissions that are not in the total of submissions, i.e. that were submitted before the date range, are taken into account? For example, if I select the last 2 years, I get the following statistics:
Submissions 162
Submissions accepted 122
Submissions rejected 92
Is my understanding correct? Shouldn’t this data apply the same logic as the total number of submissions?
Another question: for the same submission data (see above), I have an accepted rate of 10% and a rejected rate of 90%. How are these rates calculated? They seem wrong to me, but maybe I’m misunderstanding how the calculation is done!
@bozana Thank you! Do you know when the wil be available? Also, am I correct in my interpretation of the Accepted and Rejected numbers?
"Now, for the number of accepted and rejected submissions, if I understand correctly, submissions that are not in the total of submissions, i.e. that were submitted before the date range, are taken into account? For example, if I select the last 2 years, I get the following statistics:
Submissions 162
Submissions accepted 122
Submissions rejected 92
Is my understanding correct? Shouldn’t this data apply the same logic as the total number of submissions?"
The total numbers do not consider the time period – they are submission numbers in total.
The other number for accepted and rejected submissions for the given time period: we count the number of submissions with the editorial decision (e.g. accepted) within the date range.
Thus the logic is the same, just that one considers the time when the decision was made.