I have been making a plugin to show when a user has been unassigned even by an editor for a more complete history and an ability for declined or invitation withdrawn by editor reviewer to be reinstated.
These features are in OJS code but ‘turned off’. For instance in the initialize function in reviewerGridRow.inc.php:
I have looked through github issues but not managed to get to why they are currently disabled.
Understandably as I make them functional again it would help me to understand what lead to them not being live.
Can someone (presumably a developer) tell me why cancel/reinstate reviewer functionality is currently not live in OJS?
This would be really helpful, thank you.
Hi @awecancer,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Apologies I am on my local machine with 3.2.0-1 but I didn’t realise I was behind, so I’ll be on 3.2.0-3.
Hi @awecancer,
Can you describe a little further what you mean by…
These features are in OJS code but ‘turned off’
Do you mean that you’re not seeing the cancel/reinstate functions as you’d expect? If that’s the case, then is your account assigned as an author to the submission? (The features are not available to authors who are also editors.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
By disabled I mean by a developer. I see the code but it is logically impossible to reach. The one I linked originally will add the link action to reinstate reviewer (showing the link to the user) if review assignment is cancelled. However it is nested inside an if statement that has already made it so that cancelled is false.
This can be changed and it will show the reinstate link which works for unassigned reviewers.
Hi @awecancer,
Thanks, I’m following now. I think that’s simply a typo – the cancel action should already be available but the reinstate function was accidentally not. See Cancelled reviewers cannot be reinstated · Issue #5930 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for a github issue and pull request. Can you confirm that your own change to the code is equivalent to this one?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher Thanks for being patient. Yes that change is good and I have the same.
Hi @awecancer,
Great, thanks – that’s committed to the stable-3_2_0
branch in github for release in OJS 3.2.0-4 (if we do release that build), and master
for release in OJS 3.2.1 (shortly to go to a release candidate).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am now on OJS and it does not appear to support reinstating a cancelled review request. Is this feature enabled in a later release?
Hi @philipmach,
Yes, it’s included in the latest release but not OJS 3.2.0-3.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team