Describe the issue or problem
The primary contact of a submission (the submitting author is a different person) complained that he received 5 times the same e-mail about the editor decision.
The first mail just had his e-mail address in the TO:
The second mail had his e-mail address and the author after him in the contributors list in the TO:
The third mail had his e-mail address and the following two contributors in the TO:
and so on …
@asmecher, @rcgillis - is this a known bug? Somewhere a loop must be programmed wrongly.
Excerpt of the e-mails sent out included below.
What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.4.0-8
Additional information
The principal contact forwarded all e-mails to me. I concealed all sensitive information with [role] or [title].
Here is the 5th email:
Subject: [EXTERN] Editor Decision
[guest editor] via <>
Thu 23 Jan, 14:23 (19 hours ago)
to [principal contact],[contributor3],[contributor4],[contributor5],[contributor6]
The following email was sent to [contributor1] from CHIMIA regarding [title].
You are receiving a copy of this notification because you are identified as an author of the submission. Any instructions in the message below are intended for the submitting author, [contributor1], and no action is required of you at this time.
[contributor1][principal contact],[contributor3],[contributor4],[contributor5],[contributor6]:
We have reached a decision regarding your submission to {$contextName}, "[title]".
Our decision is to: Send to Review
Submission URL:
Here is the 4th email:
Subject: [EXTERN] Editor Decision
[guest editor] via <>
Thu 23 Jan, 14:23 (19 hours ago)
to [principal contact],[contributor3],[contributor4],[contributor5]
The following email was sent to [contributor1] from CHIMIA regarding [title].
You are receiving a copy of this notification because you are identified as an author of the submission. Any instructions in the message below are intended for the submitting author, [contributor1], and no action is required of you at this time.
[contributor1][principal contact],[contributor3],[contributor4],[contributor5],[contributor6]:
We have reached a decision regarding your submission to {$contextName}, "[title]".
Our decision is to: Send to Review
Submission URL: