The paragraph titled “How and why we collect ORCID iDs?” has this sentence: “This journal is collecting your ORCID iD so we can [add purpose and distinguish between Member API and Public API].”
How do I edit the bracketed text? I can’t find anywhere, including in the plugin configuration, to change it.
You can change it directly in the localisation pages but you will probably need to access the OJS-webserver via terminal:
Hi! I just want to share what I learn regarding this page, maybe it will help:
The page is activated once the ORCID plugin is activated
Once activated, it can be found at : [url serveur OJS]/ojs/index.php/[contextName]/orcidapi/about
It cannot be edited in OJS UI like other pages (About, Privacy policy, Additionnal content, etc.)
All content seems to be generated from language parameters that can be edited in Weblate (new only application used by OJS to manage languages parameters since version 3.2 I think). Following are the parameter I found in weblate that contains the information seen in the ORCID information page (I used the Français (Canada) locales):
Contexte plugins.generic.orcidProfile.about.orcidExplanation
Fichier de traduction locale/fr_CA/locale.po, chaîne 44
Contexte plugins.generic.orcidProfile.about.howAndWhy.title
Fichier de traduction locale/fr_CA/locale.po, chaîne 45
Contexte plugins.generic.orcidProfile.about.howAndWhyPublicAPI
Fichier de traduction : locale/fr_CA/locale.po, chaîne 46
or this one if the member API is used:
Contexte plugins.generic.orcidProfile.about.howAndWhyMemberAPI
Fichier de traduction locale/fr_CA/locale.po, chaîne 47
Contexte plugins.generic.orcidProfile.about.display.title
Fichier de traduction locale/fr_CA/locale.po, chaîne 48
Contexte plugins.generic.orcidProfile.about.display
Fichier de traduction locale/fr_CA/locale.po, chaîne 49
I am not convinced that this is the best way to handle this page content. It would definitly be better if it can be managed through the UI like other content. Don’t you think? Maybe for future release?