Hello, it is possible to edit the OJS main menu? I have OJS 2.X in this journal (http://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/opcit/index) and I want to eliminate the tag Submissions.
Thanks in advance!
Hello, it is possible to edit the OJS main menu? I have OJS 2.X in this journal (http://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/opcit/index) and I want to eliminate the tag Submissions.
Thanks in advance!
Hi @csbalseiro,
It looks like the main menu has already been altered from the default OJS menu using template modifications. I’d suggest further working with the modified templates you’re already using.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much Alec, I need to remove the submission option from the main menu but I don’t know how to work with the modified template to do that. It was bought from an external developer. Any suggestions?
Hello Alec, I just found the solution. Working with the nabvar.tpl file and delete the li id="register"><a href="/index.php/SJRF/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">