I have searched on the forum, but I didn’t find yet a way to edit the text "Ensuring Blind Review”. More precisely, I need to edit its translation, which is a bit buggy.
Could someone give me a hint about where I can find it?
Thank you
I have searched on the forum, but I didn’t find yet a way to edit the text "Ensuring Blind Review”. More precisely, I need to edit its translation, which is a bit buggy.
Could someone give me a hint about where I can find it?
Thank you
Which OJS version are you using? Please include that info in all topics.
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
Sorry, I forgot indeed. I am using OJS 3.2.0-2 (I will update soon to 0-3).
The source for the text is in the Weblate: https://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/projects/pkp-lib/common/ I am suggesting to contribute and improve the text there as well.
Locally on your system you can find the same text in the \lib\pkp\locale\it_IT\common.po
Regards, Primož