Edit text in home page

hi everyone I need a big hand for something really simple for sure.
I can no longer find where I can edit the text I have on the home page under the image of the magazine.
I am literally going crazy.
It’s been a long time since I made it and I don’t remember where it is edited.
could you help me please?

Hi @simgiallorosso,

I think this the “Journal summary” is the section you’re looking for: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/en/journal-setup#masthead?

PKP Team

the problem is that that space is empty there. if it had been that I would have had to find the text currently written on the home page. instead there is not the same thing in about journal. c is a different text from what appears on the home page. it’s a real mystery

the part to be changed is this that you indicated to me. I tried to put some text and it changed what I was seeing on the site. a real mystery