How can I edit and complete unfinished translations? Thanks
Hi vvucic,
If you’re using OJS 2.4.x versions, you have two options to handle translation files: one is to use the Translator plugin, under generic categorie. This will give access to the locale keys and you will be able to customize each associated text.
The other way is to directly change the files, editing them.
If you want to keep the upgrade process as easy as possible, you can use the plugin, it will not change the files and you will be able to bring your changes after the upgrade.
If you want to contribute back to the project your work (which is much appreciated ) then you will need to use git, a version control system. Check this link out:
I installed git on my GNU/Linux laptop. Please contact me if there any further instructiosn/permissions required. Thanks, Veki
Hi Veki,
The ojs and pkp library repositories are public to clone. You can use a personal github account to clone them, and then clone your personal ojs and pkp library repositories to your local machine, work on the translation files, commit to your personal remote repositories, and send us a pull request. I think that the documentation describes well that process.
If you have any specific doubt, feel free to ask. It will be really nice to have your contribution.
I found on some places on interfaces that some strings appeared on the front end. I guess that should not be like that or is it something mixed up by person who translated previously. Please advise.
Please, read this documentation:
Your question is answered there.
Thanks. I am checking my local git clone of git repo and in folder ojs/locale/en_US I found .xml files. For example if I compare ojs/locale/en-US/admin.xml and ojs/locale/sr_SR/admin.xml I found some significant differences in structure and message keys. I guess that someone lost complete message keys and lines.
For example, ojs/locale/en-US/admin.xml does have 98 lines and ojs/locale/sr-SR/admin.xml does have 68 lines.
Do you prefer to use ojs/locale/en-US/ as starting point to make sure that all message keys are there?
Hi vvucic,
If you’re willing to update the entire locale, then I would use the translator plugin to check the locale you want to edit/complete. You will be able to see missing locale keys, missing files, locale keys that are not being used anymore. And yes, everything is compared to en_US.
See here:
When I check locale keys that are not being used anymore I check box that it should be deleted but after pressing Save button that notice is still there regardless of checkingthat it should be deleted. Pease advise .
I will check Croatian and Serbian translations.
I did the same as you say here, and the locale file was changed. You’re using OJS 2.4.6 right? Do you have any error in your php log? Are you sure you’re not checking out the differences (if you’re using git)? Also, make sure that the user that’s running php does have write access to the locale files…
yes, I use version installed on March 20, 2015. I have committed all changes via translation plugin. I did not use git. I attached image from plugin. When I check Delete this key option and click on teh button Save below the list of extra keys with same messages is still there.
Please advise
Hi @vvucic,
Check the file permissions on the file you’re trying to modify. I suspect PHP doesn’t have sufficient file permissions to modify that file.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Permissions are 0644 on all files in folder /lib/pkp/locale/hr_HR.
Folders /lib /pkp and /locale do have 0755 permissions.
All other apects of translation plugin work fine so far.
Please advise.
0644 will not work unless the process that’s running php is the owner of those files. Try checking that also.
Hello, I asked support of hosting company Hostgator to check ownership and I have been told that everything is OK.
I checked php configuration and I do not see anything that would prevent those files from writing since other part of the translation plugin successfully writes to those files. I translate untranslated keys and all changes are saved successfully to corresponding xml files. I guess that those files will not be accessible for that part of plugin too.
If you want I can send you pdf with complete php configuration.
Did you managed to get the php error log file? Alternately you can also set the debug options in to on, try again and see what you have as a result.
Hello, I found out one very interesting thing. I entered locale that is from the Czech language. I found out one key that should be deleted. I checked checkbox to delete it and clicked on the Save button. When I clicked Save button and entered again and I noticed that it is really deleted. Thus, I do not think that it should be php issue. I guess that something mixed up in the code related to Croatian locale which prevents that operation to be performed successfully. I did not change anything in code of any xml files.
Please advise.
Did you see my last question? It is important to use the error log or at least the OJS debug option, this can give us clues to what’s happening.
File about php settings is here:
I will look for other information that may be helpful
I checked php_errorlog and the last error was last year in April:
[17-Apr-2014 07:32:28 CST6CDT] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: unlink(/home/politi30/public_html/casopis/cache/fc-pluginSettings-1-webfeedblockplugin.php) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory
In file: /home/politi30/public_html/casopis/lib/pkp/classes/cache/
At line: 57
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