Early access articles and "current issue" link


Our journal (Journal of Learning Analytics, hosted by OJS) recently introduced “early access” articles. We made a special issue which we will until it has enough papers, and then we will rename it and give Issue and Volume number.

However, the link to the current issue https://learning-analytics.info/index.php/JLA/issue/current is not working anymore, it is pointing out to those early access articles. Is there a way to change this to point to the last published issue?

Co-editor-in-chief, Journal of Learning Analytics

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Hi @Vitomir_Kovanovic,

When I checked your site, the “Current issue” link, linked me to here: https://learning-analytics.info/index.php/JLA/issue/view/491 - is that where you were intending - or was it intended to link to somewhere else?

PKP Team

It is working now but with a small hack.
The “current issue” link is actually a link Remote URL link I created that points out to the page with the last issue. On other hand, “early access articles” URL is OJS “current issue” link. This would work until a new issue is published, then I will have to update the remote URL to point out to the next issue.

Is there a better solution than hardcoding URL for the current issue?


Hi @Vitomir_Kovanovic,

I think that the current issue is based on the publishing date, so if, for your early access issues, you were to ensure that the date set for that issue was earlier than the date of the recent full issue - it might tend to treat that issue as the current issue. You could give that a try and see if it works?

PKP Team

tried that as the first option - that would be fantastic, I would just put early access to be before 1(1) issue and it would all work magically. but it seems that the “current” URL is based on the ID of the issue, and in our case, currently early access is the latest one.

One option is to always call your latest issue early access until you fill it in and then rename it appropriately. In that case, early access would always be the latest issue ID which is problematic.

Another alternative might be to have an issue called “early access” (which is not the last one) and then move papers between issues. So once you have enough papers for a new issue, you move articles from the early access issue to the new regular issue. That way, early access won’t be the last one and it would work.

Anyway, would like to know what would be the best approach in enabling early access and if you know how others are doing it.


Hi Vitomir_Kovanovic,

We also produce early articles (postpublication format) - when we are ready to launch the official issue, I “unpublished” the articles to generate another issue. Also, one should never delete the initial PDF file so as not to break its link. One should only add the new final proof (if any, for example, when one introduces a layout and pages’ number) and select this one for the official issue. I hope it helps! Best.

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