Hi everyone, well first I’m sorry for my english if something it’s incorrect, as can you see in the title I have a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to download files, the problem began when I upgraded the version to the version 3.0.1, now some files can´t be downloaded, actually only the old files because today i received a mail that said that a new article was uploaded by an author and when I made click in that file, it started to download, but if I do that in some other file uploaded before the upgrade this only shows me an error. I already checked the file config.inc.php and the file_dir, and them have no problems. I’ve checked the problems that send me the server, but I don’t know how interpret them, so I will upload here and I hope that you can help me.
Well that’s all, I will thanks all the help that you can bring me.
Actually I’ve checked that before, and all the folders and files are there and had permissions 755, and the files had permissions 644, I’ve changed some of those permissions to 777 to be sure of that wasn’t a problem, and then I tried again to download the files with that ID and the error continue appearing.
Hi again, something else, today I realized that the file that was uploaded yesterday only can be saw from the page that is showed when the link of the mail is clicked, that file isn’t appear when I search it in the section unassigned shipments of the proposals section. I’ve checked if it can be saw from the profile of other editors, and revisors, but is the same case, it doesn’t appear.
Hmmm… What do you mean with “from the page that is showed when the link of the mail is clicked” i.e. what is the page where you can see the file? And what do you mean with “the section unassigned shipments of the proposals section”?
Do you see any PHP Error in your log files, when accessing a file? – there is non in your log file example above…
Sorry I cannot tell/understand where is the problem… :-\
Sorry if i didn’t explained me well, actually I solved the problem, the hosting where was uploaded the OJS is a shared hosting and it had problems with dynamic sites, so we decided to migrate all the site to a VPS and try to run the OJS in it.