We are using an OJS platform.
I just observed that registering DOI via the Crossref plugin does not work anymore.
Practically, selecting the article to be registered and then pressing the “Register” button has no consequences; the list of the articles disappear (before was remaining) and the menu before the list (the one entitled CrossRef Export/Registration Plugin) appears instead.
No registration occur, the submission does not appear o the Crossref list of waiting submitted jobs (queue). The DOI does not appear as registered if waiting for a while.
There is an error generated on the error log:
AH01215: NOTICE: Use of undefined constant Register - assumed ‘Register’ (…plugins/importexport/crossref/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php(241) : assert code:1), referer: …manager/importexport/plugin/CrossRefExportPlugin/all
The XML can be generated from the plugin and after loading it in the Crossref account is accepted without any problem.
question: Is it possible to fix this issue, if possible without updating the OJS platform (an update of the Crossref plugin, etc)?
Thank you very much.